Welcome to "HungerFuns", your dedicated guide to the fascinating universe of "The Hunger Games". Here, we celebrate and explore the world created by Suzanne Collins, covering the films, music, books, and much more.


About Me

I am Selma Haoual, a passionate student in the Multimedia and Internet Professions (MMI) department. Born into a constantly evolving digital world, I have always been fascinated by how stories can be told and experienced across different media. My journey at MMI has allowed me to develop expertise in design, storytelling, and interaction, blending creativity and technology.

Our Philosophy

My approach to this project, centered on "The Hunger Games", aims to create an immersive experience for fans while providing new insights into the universe of the film and book. Through this site, I wish to share my passion for this saga while highlighting less explored aspects of this captivating universe.

Our Mission

- Exploration: Discover or rediscover the world of "The Hunger Games", from the origins of the book to the global success of the films.

- Education: Immerse yourself in deep analyses of themes, characters, and quotes, enriched by contributions from experts and devoted fans.

- Community: Join a passionate community, share your own interpretations, and connect with other fans from around the world.

Contact Us

We are always delighted to hear from other fans or to receive suggestions. Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions, comments, or collaboration proposals.



This site was created as part of a pedagogical exercise in the MMI department of Montbéliard. A big thank you to everyone who made this project possible, and to you, dear visitor, for your interest and support.